ageless skin conditions
Whilst dry skin can be genetic, environmental factors such as exposure to extreme temperatures, alcohol-based skincare products and hormonal changes such as menopause can lead to dehydration. Skincare products and treatments like HA Mesotherapy serums and Skin Boosters can effectively boost the hydration levels in the skin. It's advisable to avoid high percentage Salicylic acid peels, steaming and alcohol-based toners.
Keep a daily skincare regime with the Ageless cleanser, HA serum, and Ageless moisturiser with SPF 50, this will not only alleviate dryness but also minimise the skin from premature aging.
Characteristics of Dry Skin:
Characteristics of a Dry/Dehydrated Skin
Characteristics of a Dry/Dehydrated Skin
Dry or dehydrated skin displays several distinct visual and tactile characteristics. The appearance is typically dull and lackluster, accompanied by visible fine lines and wrinkles. The skin may feel tight and feature dry, rough patches. Factors that contribute to this condition include age, residing in hot climates, inadequate hydration, genetic predispositions and the use of inappropriate skincare products.

Top 3 In Clinic Treatments for Dry Skin Concerns
Good to Know
Using harsh cleansers or cleansing too frequently can strip the skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness and a disturbed acid mantle.
Alcohol-based Products
Toners that contain high amounts of alcohol can dehydrate the skin.
Exfoliating the skin too often or using abrasive scrubs can disrupt the skin's natural barrier and cause moisture loss.
Misguided Skin Care Choices
Using products tailored for oily or clarifying purposes, instead of hydrating ones, can strip the skin of its natural moisture, intensifying dryness.
Climatic Conditions
Cold winters and low humidity levels can draw moisture out of the skin leaving it parched.
Overexposure to Sun
Prolonged sun exposure can dehydrate the skin causing it to lose moisture and essential oils.
Hard Water
Regularly washing with hard water can strip the skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness and irritation.
Environmental Pollutants
Exposure to pollutants in the environment can reduce the skin's natural moisture barrier, causing it to become dry.

Everything You Need To Know About How to Manage Your Dry Skin.
Embrace a comprehensive approach with our prescriptive skincare regime designed especially for dry skin. Integrate this with a hydration-boosting diet and lifestyle that helps retain skin's natural moisture. By consistently and patiently following this tailored regime you can combat common dry skin concerns like flakiness, tightness, and dullness, promoting a youthful complexion.
Skincare Regime
By following the guidelines of our Ageless range tailored for dry skin, you can anticipate noticeable enhancements in 4 to 6 weeks. This period corresponds with the skin's natural regeneration cycle, ensuring the products work optimally, delivering deep hydration and promoting the replacement of parched cells with nourished, healthier ones.
Professional Facials
Dedicate a few sessions and allow time for the HydraDerm Facial to deeply hydrate and replenish the skin. Regularly undergoing the HydraDerm facials, combined with a personalised skin care regime will lead to a revitalised and well-nourished skin.
Lifestyle Considerations for Premature skin ageing
Ensure a diet rich in essential fatty acids and hydrating drinks to maintain skin moisture. Stress can further dehydrate the skin, so managing stress levels is essential. In dry or harsh climates, remember to protect your skin from excessive moisture loss. Be cautious about over-cleansing and steer clear of products that strip the skin of its natural oils or compromise its protective barrier.
Best Ingredients for Premature Ageing Skin
How can Integrating the Ageless HA Serum with Microneedling into a skincare routine help reduce dry skin?
Incorporating the Ageless HA serum with microneedling maximises the hydration potential of hyaluronic acid, reducing the appearance of fine lines. The microneedling process creates microchannels, enhancing the serum's penetration and efficacy.
What are the primary causes of dry skin?
Dry skin can result from various factors including environmental conditions (like cold, dry weather), over-washing or using harsh soaps, certain medications, and you can even inherit dry skin from your parents.
How does dry skin contribute to the formation of wrinkles?
Dry skin slows cellular turnover, leading to a dull and rough texture. It weakens the lipid barrier, exposing cells to damage and environmental stressors. Impaired cell communication hampers repair and regeneration processes. Skin cells, when dehydrated, lose volume, accentuating fine lines.
What’s the best treatment option to prevent my dry skin prematurely ageing?
To maintain the skin’s youthful qualities, apply HA serums daily both topically and in conjunction with microneedling. Complement this routine with the Ageless Stem Cells mask weekly and incorporate a skin booster treatment monthly.
Swimming dries my skin, what products would be suitable for me?
Swimming, particularly in chlorinated pools, can strip the skin of its natural oils, leading to dryness. Before diving in, apply a thick layer of Illumine Moisturiser to lock in moisture and protect the skin. After swimming, rinse off immediately and apply the Ageless HA Serum and moisturise thoroughly with the Ageless Moisturiser to replenish any lost hydration.
Would incorporating the Ultrasonic Scrubber in my homecare regime help my dry skin?
Definitely! Incorporating the Ultrasonic Scrubber weekly is transformative for dry skin. The device, with its ultrasonic vibrations, delicately exfoliates, shedding dead cells and surface debris. By starting with the positive ion setting and transitioning to the negative ion mode while gliding over the Ageless Stem Cells mask, it drives the mask's nourishing serum deeper into the skin, maximising the hydration effect of the mask.

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