If you're frustrated with persistent fat under your chin that hasn't budged despite diet and exercise efforts, our Double Chin Fat Dissolving Injections might be the solution you need. We utilise the renowned Lemon Bottle formula, proven to be highly effective. Targeting specifically the double chin area, our treatment offers a focused approach for noticeable results. We typically recommend starting with a single session to gauge initial progress, followed by a series of 2-3 treatments for optimal outcomes. With our tailored approach, not only can you expect visible slimming effects, but also long-lasting transformation to redefine your facial profile.

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Best For


    Double Chin


     Skin Tightening


    Facial Contour



    Aqualyx was one of the pioneering fat dissolving products, however, it faced a decline in popularity due to feedback from clients who frequently reported experiencing significant pain and post-treatment swelling that persisted for up to 5-7 days. Although the results achieved with Aqualyx were satisfactory, the discomfort and extended downtime became prominent concerns for clients. As a result, we now choose to work with Lemon Bottle and Cincelar for our fat dissolving treatments.


    The game-changer occurred with the introduction of Cincelar, offering superior results with virtually no swelling, pain or downtime. Sodium Deoxycholate is the main ingredient in all 3 fat dissolving products and works similarly in all three to shatter fat cell membranes and dissolve fat cells, which are subsequently filtered away by the lymphatic system. This shift to these products has transformed the landscape of fat dissolving treatments, prioritising both efficacy and client comfort.


    Lemon bottle is the latest fat dissolving product that gives phenomenal results without the pain and swelling. What sets it apart from Cincelar is that it does not contain deoxycholic acid and is solely naturally based. The Lemon Bottle main active ingredient bromelain destroys the membrane of the fat cell, while Riboflavin speeds up fat metabolism and lecithin promotes fat cell destruction. Lemon bottle delivers results much quicker in comparison to other brands, making it the most sought out fat dissolving.

The Treatment Process

  • Who Should Not Have The Treatment

    • Kidney and liver disease
    • Lymphatic system disorder
    • Autoimmune conditions like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis
    • Haemophilia
    • Diabetes
    • Taking anticoagulant medication
    • Pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Consultation

    A consultation for fat dissolving treatment is designed to assess your physique, evaluate your goals and expectations and determine the suitability of the treatment. Your therapist will, in detail, outline the step by step procedure, risks and complications and aftercare instructions you will need to follow. An informed consent with a detailed medical questionnaire is signed before proceeding with the treatment. 

    You will need to refrain from taking alcohol and blood thinning tablets at least 72 hours prior to treatment.

  • Post-Treatment Aftercare

    Step 1: (Water Intake) After your fat dissolving treatment we recommend you increase your daily water intake to up to 2 litres a day in order to optimise your results. As the process behind the fat dissolving treatment is dependent on the flushing of the destroyed fat cell via the lymphatic system, therefore increasing your water intake is crucial to the lymphatic drainage process overall.

    Step 2: (Lymphatic Drainage Massage) A few days post the treatment you will need to carry out a lymphatic drainage massage on the treated area towards  the direction of the lymph nodes to ensure that the dissolved fat cells exit the body. Your therapist should be able to guide you through this at the end of your first visit. You need to be very consistent with the massaging as this will optimise your results. Massaging should be every day for 7 days.

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    Booking Instructions: 

    £25 Deposit Is Non Refundable Unless

    72 Hours Notice Is Given For Cancellation.

Treatment Protocol

  • Products & Tools 

    Lemon Bottle Vials, Antiseptic cleanser, Emla, skin marker, 10ml Syringes, 

    27g X 13mm needles for chin

  • Step 1

    The treatment process begins with a thorough consultation, assessing the clients  area of concern, specific goals and obtaining a signed medical questionnaire. 

  • Step 2

    Clean the injection sites with antiseptic and evaluate the area, before deciding how many vials to prepare. 

  • Step 3

    Using a marker, map the injection points grid, typically 1 cm spaced apart, evenly and strategically to ensure thorough coverage of the treatment area.

  • Step 4

    Pinch the injection site and inject in a 90% angle around 1ml on each point into the skin strategically and directly into the stubborn fat cells. Work section at a time, wiping any blood spots from the injection with an antiseptic wipe. Keep the area sterile at all times. 

  • step 5+6

    After the injections, carry out a deep massage to evenly distribute the product, followed by cold compresses if required. 

    Take after pictures, get the client to sign the end of treatment disclaimer and schedule the next appointment. 


Why is Cincelar considered to work better than Aqualyx?

Although both products are Deoxycholic acid based, Cincelar has a higher percentage of deoxycholic acid, therefore known to work better than Aqualyx. Furthermore, Cincelar does not cause any excessive swelling and contains Carnitine and Vitamin B2, which aid the fat dissolving process and also have a skin tightening effect, which Aqualux does not.

How many sessions are recommended for fat dissolving treatment?

For stubborn fat located on the body we recommend an average of 4-5 sessions in order to see desired results. Clients that are active and have a good lymphatic circulation need less treatments than ones that have sedentary lifestyle and sluggish circulation.  

How long before I can go to the Gym and resume my fitness regime?

We recommend you stay off intense exercise for 7-10 after your treatment if having Cincelar. This can counteract the fat dissolving process and compromise your results. Minimise activities that can cause sweating and an increased heart rate in order to achieve optimal results. If having Lemon Bottle, you can go back to your normal fitness regime in 48 hours post the treatment.

How long before I see results?

Most people find that they have visible results within 3-4 weeks after your treatment. Please be advised that results can vary depending on lifestyle, area being treated, your metabolism and correct aftercare being followed as advised by your aesthetic practitioner. After Lemon bottle results can be seen after only 7 days.

What are the side effects of the fat dissolving injections?

You might experience slight redness around the injection sites, however that will subside in the next few hours. Bruising is not common, however possible, due to so many injections. In case of bruising you can apply an arnica cream or aloe vera gel to aid the healing process, however, bruising will naturally resolve within a few days. Expect tenderness and injection related discomfort during and immediately after the treatment. 

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